Boost Your Immune System

  • Make sure you eat plenty of of nourishing home-cooked food. Garlic has wonderful antimicrobial properties and onions are high in Vitamin C so be sure to add these to as many foods as possible. Both garlic and onion also help to keep gut bacteria healthy which is vital for immune function.

  • Eat plenty of fruit and veg - the phytonutrients found in these are essential for good immune function and gut health. Aim for 8-10 portions per day and choose a variety of different colours for a full range of vitamins and other nutrients.

  • Ginger contains antioxidants and is great for digestive health and therefore immune function. An infusion with chopped fresh ginger makes a lovely drink which warms you up from the inside.

  • Turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties and can help to modulate immune function.

  • Mushrooms contain beta-glucans and have been found to support immune system and reduce inflammation.

  • Herbs such as Echinacea and Astragalus boost immune function, it’s good to have one of these on hand so you can start taking them at the first sign of a cold or flu.

  • Elderberry syrup has lots of antioxidants and immune-boosting properties and has been shown effective in relieving symptoms of cold and flu.

  • Linden tea is a great all rounder: it contains antioxidants so boosts general health, it can help to relieve anxiety, it acts as a diaphoretic, meaning it encourages the body to sweat in a fever, and it helps to soothe the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract.

Keep Stress levels down

  • Cortisol - the stress hormone - has a suppressant effect on the immune system. Therefore it’s really important for good health or for recovery from illness to manage stress levels. Herbal teas that can help to calm the nervous system and modulate your stress response are Lemonbalm, Chamomile and Verbena amongst many others.

  • Adaptogenic herbs such as Ashwagandha, Rhodiola or Siberian Ginseng have shown to modulate the body’s stress response and can be particularly helpful to see you through a stressful period.

  • Exercise is also a great stress-reliever and immune booster — ideally outside to also get your daylight fix.


