Why and when?

Functional tests can be used to get a better understanding of what is going on in the body, beyond the tests which are available through your GP. They can be in the form of blood, urine, breath or stool tests, depending on what we are looking at. Most of these are easy to do at home and then shipped off to the lab for analysis.

The results can be helpful for identifying imbalances, nutrient status, presence of inflammation, presence of parasites, food intolerances, hormonal imbalances, dysfunctional stress response, genetic predispositions, gut barrier function and more. With test results as a basis for a nutritional protocol, the support can be more targeted, completely individual and therefore lead to faster results. .

functional tests

I work with several state of the art laboratories to provide the most insightful and efficient tests available.

Hormonal Health - DUTCH Test

Hormone testing can be useful for any issues related to hormonal imbalances such as heavy periods, irregular periods, PCOS, endometriosis, fatigue, low sex drive, headaches, unexplained weight gain. It can also be useful for women on HRT to check whether your hormones are being used and metabolised effectively.

The DUTCH test is a dry urine test and measures levels of Cortisol, Cortisone, Estradiol, Estrone, Estriol, Progesterone, Testosterone, DHEA, Melatonin. It also tests cortisol rhythms and estrogen metabolism pathways as well as oestrogen metabolites.

Food Intolerance Testing + Gut Barrier Panel

There are three levels of the Food Intolerance test (FIT) available, depending on how many foods you want to get tested. The gut barrier panel can be done in addition to the FIT test and looks at markers such as Candida, Zonulin, Occludin and Lipopolysaccharides. These are indicators for leaky gut which can be at the root of certain inflammatory conditions.

This test is useful if you are suffering from indigestion, bloating, excessive wind, stomach pain, IBS symptoms such as persistent constipation or diarrhoea. Because of the close link between gut health and brain and immune function, this test can also be useful if you are experiencing anxiety, brain fog, lethargy, fatigue, headaches, recurring infections, joint pain or skin issues.

SIBO Breath Test

Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) is a condition which is often at the root of unexplained digestive issues, especially bloating, abdominal pain, IBS, constipation, diarrhoea.

DNA Testing

Nutrigenomics is a form of genetic testing which can offer insights into inherited health risks which can be mitigated through nutritional and lifestyle changes. This allows for a totally proactive, preventative and highly individualised approach to health.

The reports highlight any potential weaknesses in the DNA which can affect certain functions in the body. This allows for very specific nutrient and lifestyle recommendations to help support the areas which have been identified and can make a huge difference to a person’s overall wellbeing.

The following reports are available:

  • Core Nutrient Report

  • Metabolics Report

  • Hormone Report

  • Methylation Report

  • Nervous System Report

  • Oestrogen Balance Report

  • Detoxification Report

  • Thyroid Balance Report

I offer testing packages for all tests which include the test, analysis and consultation.

For more information please get in touch for a FREE discovery call.