An Introduction

Hi, I’m Marion Colledge,

It’s been a while and I’ve got some news so I thought it’s time to re-introduce myself…

I live in South-East London with my teenage son and daughter, my husband and our Cockerpoo Porter. I grew up in Germany and moved to London in 2000, worked in the media industry for a few years before starting a family and embarking on a career change which has led me to where I am now :)

Some of you will know me as a Medical Herbalist and/or Massage Therapist at the Honor Oak Wellness Rooms. I’ve been working as a practitioner for 15 years and over time my areas of interest have become women’s health, mental wellbeing and digestive health. The three are very closely interlinked and also affect other body systems like immune function, which is why it’s so important to look at the person as a whole rather than just their symptoms.

Over the years it has become clear to me that no treatment will be able to reach its full potential without good nutrition at the heart of it. So I took the plunge and embarked on a 3 year Diploma course in Naturopathic Nutrition at the College of Naturopathic Medicine which I have just completed!

Going forward, this means some changes to the way I work. Naturopathic Nutrition and Herbal Medicine will be combined for a truly integrative approach to natural health. After a thorough initial consultation where we discuss your medical history, goals, circumstances etc we come up with a tailor-made protocol for you. Some may only require a few simple dietary tweaks, for others a more comprehensive change of diet may be needed, possibly with the addition of a herbal prescription and/or nutritional supplements. Some may benefit from a specialised massage as well.

I am passionate about it being easy-to-follow, no-nonsense, evidence-based and tailored to your needs and circumstances. Not everyone has the time or ability to cook 3 meals per day from scratch! Everything will be decided together and there are no obligations to opt for any additional treatments. However, usually at least 2 follow-up appointments are required to best track progress and achieve goals.

For more info on how it all works get in touch for a free discovery call or head over to the page on Naturopathic Nutrition at The Honor Oak Wellness Rooms.


How can naturopathic nutrition help with… PMS?